
Our Missions

Here is more information about the Missions that we support here at Sandersville Methodist.


Every month on Communion Sunday we take up a special offering that is designated for the SMC Altar Fund. Donations may be given to this fund at any time. This fund is used to help the needy here in our community. DFACS helps us conduct a prescreening for clients, and then they refer them to us. This fund helps pay house payments, rent or utility bills of those in need. The Pastor is the director of this fund. Anyone seeking assistance from this fund must go to Washington County DFACS office. All information will be kept confidential.


This fund is available for members of our congregation. Donations can be made to this fund at any time. This fund is used to help the needy in our congregation. It is used to help pay house payments, rent or utilities. The Sandersville Methodist Men are in charge of this fund. Contact the Church office if you need assistance from this fund and you are a member of our congregation. All information will be kept confidential.


Bread of Life is a community mission project founded by the Sandersville Christian Church. Bread of Life serves those in need in our community with a hot meal. Sandersville Christian Church, Tennille UMC, Victory Central and Sandersville Methodist each deliver meals one week each month. Everyone is invited to participate.


The Christian Life Center is a community mission project. It helps those in our community that are in need of food, toiletries and baby products. Our church members contribute food items and their time volunteering at the center. The center is located at 221 Cardinal Street, across from First Baptist. They are open on Tuesdays from 9 AM to 12 Noon. They are currently in need of several items: can soups, diabetic foods, snacks for small kids, Jell-o, Kool-Aid, Sweet-N-Low, corn muffin mix, toilet paper, paper towels, Baby formula, all meats (refrigerated, frozen or canned), dish soap, cereals, coffee, tea, and any other items that you would like to donate.